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Dead leaves are ideal for compost piles.

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Question: Dead leaves are ideal for compost piles.
Top Answer (87% of 207 votes): True.

Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Depends
Franklin's Lawn Care
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Visit our Website: https://junkzillainc.com/ or call us to get a quote at: (206) 877-3155?
Junkzilla Inc
Answer: False
Explanation: We leaves are more for compose pile of your spread wet leaves they help break down but if you have a pile you f wet leaves that helps more for compose I prefer dry leaves for compost my opinion
Brent’s lawn maintenance
Answer: False
Explanation: A mixture of dried and green leaves will work best because of the nitrogen in the green leaves. The balance on Carbon and Nitrogen is the key. Manure is a good source of nitrogen. Dried blood, cottonseed meal, and bone meal will work also.
GrassHoppers Lawn Enforcement LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: Dead break down faster
Answer: True
Explanation: Great compost.
Lawn Ranger
Answer: True
Explanation: Mixed up with other plants and weeds they will do great. To many clustered together is not good.
TH Lawn and Maintenance Service
Answer: True
Explanation: This is usually true accept for pine needles
Demo King
Answer: True
Explanation: They add organic matter
Larry Pierce Lawn/Landscaping
Answer: True
Explanation: They are starting to decompose
Roop's Lawn Services, LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: Yes, you can use for compost.
Three Men Lawn
Answer: False
Explanation: dead leaves are best for covering roses in the winter time to protect them.
Answer: True
Explanation: dead leaves are perfect for composting. They contain a high carbon content. the key ingredient for composting.
Carolina Lawn Worx
Answer: True
Explanation: That goes with dead grass,hay, and other mother nature dead objects.
Mom's Cleaning LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: Yes dead leaves are great for compost piles. I use them on my compost.
Melissa's Cleaning Services
Answer: True
Explanation: they make great compost
chesapeake bay landscaping
Answer: True
Explanation: If mixed with soil
Newburgh Lawn & Landscape
Answer: True
Explanation: www.smartscapejax.com
SmartScape Lawn & Landscape
Answer: True
Explanation: They possess a lot of organic compounds so when they break down they add a lot of organic material to the compost
JA Miller Landscaping and Lawn care
Answer: True
Explanation: Breaks down faster
Rick and Rondas Landscapes
Answer: False
Explanation: This can be true, however, compost piles work best with a mix of both dead and new or green, organic matter.
Purtell Lawncare
Answer: True
Explanation: Like i said leaves breakdown like compost
EJs Lawncare
Answer: True
Explanation: Light organic material is always a good idea for a compost pile. Lighter organic material will break down faster and turn to compost. By adding proper enzymes and turning the compost pile on a regular basis will ensure a better compost at a quicker rate.
Blue Lotus Landscaping
Answer: True
Explanation: They are relatively quick to break down and offer recycling of nutrients.
Outdoor Designs
Answer: True
Explanation: They work well as an additive to other types of organic matter. The best compost material is a mix of organics
SG Landscape and Outdoors
Answer: True
Explanation: Yep.
Custom Cuts Lawn Care
Answer: False
Explanation: Dead leaves have lost most of the nitrogen which is good for a compost
Ideal Lawns
Answer: True
Explanation: Rich in mineral content
Associated Services
Answer: True
Explanation: will make topsoil
h.c.lawn& fence
Answer: True
Explanation: True.
Culver Property Preservation
Answer: True
Explanation: Dead leaves can serve well for compost piles.
Green Shark Lawn Care
Answer: True
Explanation: Leaves are great for composting. Mix 3 parts leaves with 1 part grass clippings or food waste for quicker composting. Also turn the pile occasionally to get air to the center of the pile, and add water as needed to keep the pile moist - not soggy.
Good Natured by Design
Answer: True
Explanation: As long as they are mulched.
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