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How do leaf cleanup companies most commonly charge for their services?

Hourly rate (per person)
Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Flat fee (per bag of leaves)
Not sure
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Question: How do leaf cleanup companies most commonly charge for their services?
Top Answer (59% of 416 votes): Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves).

Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Some companies offer a flat rate for leaf cleanup services based on the size of the property or the amount of work required. For example, they might charge a set fee for properties with a certain square footage or a specific number of trees. This pricing structure provides customers with clear expectations upfront.
Johnson’s lawn care
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Usually charge by the yard it's easier an gives company time to hol employee accountable for work ethic
These 2 hands LLC
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Requires a Job Proposal
Answer: Hourly rate (per person)
Explanation: With so much variance, a reputable company will charge an hourly rate to maximize profit. This is a good way for companies to make money, but not a great option for homeowners. Time is no longer of the essence.
Achilles Landscaping
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Mostly depends on density of leaves.
Ysidro lawn care
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Flat rate fees are common based on how dense the leafs are.
KC's Maintenance LLC
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Best for reoccurring customers
Bill's welding and lawn service
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Usually if there isn't that many leaves the price would be lower. It all depends on how many leaves
B&D Lawncare and landscaping
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Prices vary due to the labor that's put into leaf cleanup
Mando's Mowing
Answer: Hourly rate (per person)
Explanation: 40 to 50 dollars per man hour and around 75 per dump run.
EverMoore LLC
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Leaf cleanup companies most commonly charge for their services using a flat fee, which is based on yard size and the density of leaves. This approach allows leaf cleanup companies to provide a more standardized pricing model that takes into account the specific needs of each property. Yard size and leaf density are key factors that influence the amount of work required for a thorough cleanup. Charging a flat fee based on these factors provides transparency and allows customers to know what to expect in terms of cost, regardless of the time it takes to complete the job. Hourly rates (per person) may lead to uncertainties in pricing for both the customer and the leaf cleanup company, as the time required for cleanup can vary based on factors such as the efficiency of the crew and the overall condition of the yard. Charging a flat fee per bag of leaves might not accurately reflect the overall effort and resources involved in a comprehensive leaf cleanup job. In summary, a flat fee based on yard size and leaf density is a common and practical approach for leaf cleanup companies, providing clarity and fairness in pricing for both parties involved.
GreenHand Landscaping
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Visit our Website: https://junkzillainc.com/ or call us to get a quote at: (206) 877-3155?
Junkzilla Inc
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: The size of the job determines the amount of money requested in our quote to provide that particular service. For each job we always look to employ only the necessary amount of personnel needed in order to limit costs to the customer.
CTB Landscaping
Answer: Flat fee (per bag of leaves)
Explanation: I charge 10$ per bag of leaves I have work with companies in the charge per hour
Brent’s lawn maintenance
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: It all depends on yard size and the amount and size of trees located in the yard.
Rice City Lawns
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: That work best. Some jobs are small and some are bigger then others. So that comes with different prices
Midwest four seasons landscaping
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: It is common to charge for a set yard size and amount of leaves.
Nathan’s lawn care
Answer: Hourly rate (per person)
Explanation: Hourly
Tony's Lawn Cre
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: It’s Hard to give a direct price until you look at the yard you never know what you’re running into with a flat rate
T&H Lawn Care LLC
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Flat rate
Design by Lopez
Answer: Hourly rate (per person)
Explanation: That's how I charge
DCBL Landscaping & more
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Charging for the entire project
Nature Guy Landscaping
Answer: Hourly rate (per person)
Explanation: Depending on the type of equipment most companies charge a man-hour rate.
J & E lawncare LLC
Answer: Flat fee (per bag of leaves)
Explanation: We usually charge by the bag
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Whichever payment method would be better suited for the client to make it more possible for them to hire the help they seek is which method that would be choosenm
LKT TimeSavers
Answer: Hourly rate (per person)
Explanation: We charge based upon the time spent.
TJB-INC Landscape & Drainage Contractor
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: It will depend on many factors. Size of property, amount of leaves, number of flower beds that need to be cleaned out, length of time the leaves have been laying around, dry or wet.
GrassHoppers Lawn Enforcement LLC
Answer: Hourly rate (per person)
Explanation: We offer two service for fall clean up the rates are different for both, Full Clean up or a curb side pick up.
B- Sharp Property Maintenance
Answer: Hourly rate (per person)
Explanation: Mostly these type of jobs are based on time and material
Westfall landscaping
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Area Size and amount of debris determines the price of this type of job.
All Year Property Care
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Leaf cleanup is based on size of property so costs will vary.
Advantage Lawn Care
Answer: Flat fee (per bag of leaves)
Explanation: Most professionals usually charge by the bag but everyone is different
Done 2 Perfection (handyman/lawn services)
Answer: Hourly rate (per person)
Explanation: Most lawn companies have 2-3 people and they changed per hr per worker. Example ( 2 people @ 65 per hr = $130.00 per hr).
Lawn Ranger
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: It all depends on the areas, some landscape companies charge per hour. We charge a flat fee after reviewing the area.
Roots 'n Shoots LLC
Answer: Hourly rate (per person)
Explanation: Usually charged at a per man he basis..
Aries Landscape & Construction
Answer: Hourly rate (per person)
Explanation: A lot of jobs are done on a hourly bases
Hardscaping Plus
Answer: Hourly rate (per person)
Explanation: We offer both flat rate and hourly rates. Most of our customers prefer the hourly rate
Cuyahoga Property Maintenance
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: I have seen most companies charge a flat fee for leaf cleanup. While some charge one price for the first clean up and another price for the last clean up. Differs with each company.
Jc Lawn Care, LLC
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: There are a few options available in leaf removal that will effect pricing. The number of trees will be a cost factor. This is obvious as to how may leaves will be in the yard. Does the customer want them vacuumed, mulched, bagged, etc. Most commonly after deciding on the process, there is a flat rate determined.
Gregory Landscaping
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Flat rate based on size and density affords the best possible price to the customer
J&M Landscaping
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Personally I charge by the job. Some may be intricate than others and require more hands on work than just using the blower.
TH Lawn and Maintenance Service
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Its typically charged on a flat fee basis.
Pro Force Property Maintenance
Answer: Hourly rate (per person)
Explanation: There are too many variables with leaf removal to do a flat fee.
Landmark lawncare
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Most companies that we meet charge per project. we feel many times they have to bid high to make sure they dont under bid. We bill per man hour that way the client only pays for the time we are on the propery
Integra Holiday lighting and decor
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Demo King inspects the property and charges based on the size of the of the pile and amount of waste it will generate
Demo King
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: This works best for company and customer so both are treated fair.
Larry Pierce Lawn/Landscaping
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Many factors to price this. Most of our clients are on a monthly contract and we provide those services into the fees they are charged in our area do to the amount of trees most have on their properties in Virginia.
Operation Clean Cutz Lawn Care LLC
Answer: Hourly rate (per person)
Explanation: We usually do hourly but some might charge differently
Roop's Lawn Services, LLC
Answer: Flat fee (per bag of leaves)
Mr. Green Acres
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: i responsible lawn care service will charge for their time spent on the job.
Mow Hawk Lawn Care
Answer: Hourly rate (per person)
Explanation: This is standard
Three Men Lawn
Answer: Hourly rate (per person)
Explanation: Could be either hourly rate or flat fee based on size of job. The faster they complete the task the cheaper the custmer pays.
Weed Abatement Services
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Factors that play a role are leaf cleanup frequency, amount of trees, amount of obstacles (beds, trees, hills, fences, etc).
Henningsen Property Maintenance LLC
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: I am not sure how other companies charge for this service but we normally charge a flat rate and try an work with the customers budget
Midwest Ground Effects, Inc.
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Most companies will factor in things like hours, bag, yard size. There are many key factors that goes into consideration before making an estimate. We are all only human and there are times were the owner will loose money for that job. But we gain you as a happy customer.
Mom's Cleaning LLC
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: This is a service we have recently added to our long list of services we offer. We charge a flat fee.
J's Complete Cleaning Services
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: We've heard of it being charged by each of the choices. We charge either hourly for a crew or flat rate depending on the job and client preferences.
Backyard Boys Enterprise, LLC
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: I normally charge a flat fee for size of yard and the amount of leaves
Cincy Sealcoating Plus
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: It's an average on lot size and tipe of tree's on it.
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: companies in this area use either of the first two choices. I use the second.
Money$ Worth Lawn Maintenance
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: We base our rates on the density of your leaves and the square footage of your yard so you know what you will be paying up front with out hidden additional costs.
ARMowing Maintenance
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: based on yard size and density of leaves
Affordable Lawn and Landscaping
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: We charge based on yard size and amount of debris that would need to be hauled away. Customer can save significantly by having debris bagged and left on property for city removal.
Clean Up LLC - Landscaping & Lawn Care Service
Answer: Hourly rate (per person)
Explanation: Employees are usually paid on an hourly basis.
Timberworx Tree and Landscaping
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: The yards vary in size and the layout of the yard also has some input for the pricing of the project.
Salinas Lawn Services
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Some companies charge by the hour and some charge by the amount of bags that are picked up. It depends on the company and how they run it. It also depends on the house that your doing the service. Sometimes you can give them the choice of how they would like to be charged. If there are so many leaves that you cannot calculate the amount then your price will go to the hourly rate per person.
M&G Lawncare
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: We charge a flat rate there are pro's & cons to all ways charged, I could charge a flat $200 and do it in a hour and a half someone else could charge $25 a hour and have 3 guys @ $25 = $75 hour and take 8 hours to do it so your total cost would be $600 which is much higher than the flat rate and the homeowner knows exactly what they will be paying when the job is done.
Black Dirt Services LLC
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: All companies are different and can do what is in the best interest of the client or their profit.
MGP Smart Home Services
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: I'll give a reasonable quote.
Jewett lawncare
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: We charge by a Flat Rate
Answer: Hourly rate (per person)
Explanation: usually thirty five dollars a man hour
chesapeake bay landscaping
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: We price our jobs based on time. It isn't an hourly rate per person, we know how long jobs should take to complete so we price it out accordingly. This is typically a cheaper alternative than simply paying a flat fee for a size of a yard.
Green Leaf Landscape
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Set price for regular customers. Sometimes hourly for one time work, but usually just quote a price
Newburgh Lawn & Landscape
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: www.smartscapejax.com
SmartScape Lawn & Landscape
Answer: Flat fee (based on yard size and density of leaves)
Explanation: Fixed rate
Mda multi service
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