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Is bagging leaves typically included in cost of leaf removal?

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Question: Is bagging leaves typically included in cost of leaf removal?
Top Answer (35% of 414 votes): Always.

Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: In many cases, leaf removal services include bagging the leaves, especially if the cleanup is done as part of a full-service package. This can be particularly common for smaller yards or when the leaves are not too dense.
Johnson’s lawn care
Answer: Usually
Explanation: Usually the company has set price
These 2 hands LLC
Answer: Always
Explanation: Bagging leaves requires more labor time which entails higher labor costs.
RBC home improvement & cleaning services
Answer: Usually
Explanation: Never want to say always, but it takes time and effort.
Achilles Landscaping
Answer: Always
Explanation: This goes back to the flat rates . It should already be included if not than the pro should 100% let homeowner know.
Ysidro lawn care
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: Leafs are often vacuumed and shredded which is easier than bagging.
KC's Maintenance LLC
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: i charge the way i do. how other campiness charge I'm not Shure
Taylor's Lawn Care LLC
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: Depending on size of lawn and area of leaves
LE lawn care
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: Depends on the company utilized for the assignment.
Mando's Mowing
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: The inclusion of bagging leaves in the cost of leaf removal varies among leaf cleanup companies and can depend on specific service packages or customer preferences. Therefore, the answer is "Sometimes." In some cases, leaf removal services may include bagging as part of the overall package. This could be a standard offering, especially if the company has a specific process for collecting and disposing of leaves in bags. However, other companies may offer different service tiers, where basic leaf removal may not include bagging, and customers can opt for additional services like bagging for an extra fee. It's essential for customers to clarify the scope of services included in the leaf removal package when hiring a company. This ensures a clear understanding of what to expect and allows for customization based on individual preferences and budget considerations. Ultimately, the inclusion of bagging in the cost of leaf removal is a variable aspect that depends on the practices and offerings of the specific leaf cleanup company chosen by the customer.
GreenHand Landscaping
Answer: Usually
Explanation: Visit our Website: https://junkzillainc.com/ or call us to get a quote at: (206) 877-3155?
Junkzilla Inc
Answer: Always
Explanation: OUr company doesn't see the point in tacking on any extra fees for something that has to be done when removing the leaves off the property
Garys Tree Service
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: homeowner may request for us to leave lawn bags at curbside for public utility pickup, versus us loading into trailer and removing altogether.
CTB Landscaping
Answer: Usually
Explanation: If my company comes out to pick up leaves an bag them the haul off fee will be included in the price
Brent’s lawn maintenance
Answer: Usually
Explanation: We will bag and haul away.
Rice City Lawns
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: Sometimes leaves can be mulched.
Curb Appeal
Answer: Always
Explanation: This is included because we only do high quality jobs that look clean and leave a customer satisfied.
WB Lawn & Landscape
Answer: Always
Explanation: All I can say is that that's what complete the job. Without the bag we would be right back the next or so. That's not work that's robbery, we come to complete the task at hand.
Midwest four seasons landscaping
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: Leaves can be mulched or bagged. Cost variation depending on services required.
Herron Lawn Solutions
Answer: Usually
Explanation: It needs to get removed from the yard so bagging the leaves is required. Unless the leaves are raked to the street.
Nathan’s lawn care
Answer: Always
Explanation: Always included
Tony's Lawn Cre
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: Not all the time if it’s not a big yard or load it with leaves and you don’t have to charge every time it could be a small yard that may take only a bag so you basically have to look at the yard to make that decision
T&H Lawn Care LLC
Answer: Always
Explanation: Is all 1 job
Design by Lopez
Answer: Always
Explanation: A leaf removal will require bagging of leaves depending on the volume of leaves on the ground. In some instances the leaves can be recycled and put back in the soil as beneficial mulch or free fertilizer to promote growth. Overall the leaves are bagged upon the customer request based on volume of leaves
Cuttin-up Lawn Care And Grounds Maintenance
Answer: Rarely
Answer: Always
Explanation: if i am removing the leafs i like to package them to make it easier to transport
J & E lawncare LLC
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: This depends on wether the company providing the services bag the leaves for removal.
Sweet Pea Landscaping LLC
Answer: Always
Explanation: Bagging leave is included in the cost due to that's the way to remove the leaves.
GPLawncare LLC
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: G
Anthony Scott’s lawn service
Answer: Usually
Explanation: Yes it would be because if I'm removing your leaves I'm gone make sure I get them up and put the bags out for trash or I'll take them and disposal them myself. Just part of the job.
M.Ambit Enterprises LLC
Answer: Never
Explanation: Too expensive
TJB-INC Landscape & Drainage Contractor
Answer: Usually
Explanation: It is included in out pricing.
GrassHoppers Lawn Enforcement LLC
Answer: Usually
Explanation: Leaf removal and bagging/labor is included in the price.
M&G Lawncare Inc.
Answer: Always
Explanation: If a clean up is being done I do not want to just leave leafs on someone's property
Hibiscus lawn and landscape
Answer: Rarely
Explanation: It can always vary. Every owner requires something different. Some request or would only want a basic lawn service which includes only maintaining the grass specifically.
A Work of Art Lawn Care
Answer: Usually
Explanation: Time and material job estimates should include all materials needed
Westfall landscaping
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: Flat fee for the job then depending on how much debris is bagged you could be sometimes charged a small additional per bag fee to pay for the bags, Including labor.
All Year Property Care
Answer: Usually
Explanation: It all depends on how customers want the leaves removed. If there are alto of leaves that need to be bagged and hauled off it is generally a little extra. However if it is bagged and left at head of driveway then no extra charge
Carolinas Finest Services
Answer: Usually
Explanation: Depends if customer will be removing leaves after cleanup
Advantage Lawn Care
Answer: Never
Explanation: Most professionals don't use bags.
Roots 'n Shoots LLC
Answer: Never
Explanation: Bagging and disposing of leaves are on a individual basis some homes have wooded areas that can be used to blow leaves.
Aries Landscape & Construction
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: That depends on the company. If they are nice, they will include it.
Bay Area Garden Services
Answer: Always
Explanation: Wedont bag leaves. We put them in piles and then vacuum them up with our trailer.
Crestview Property Maintenance
Answer: Usually
Explanation: Our leaf cleanups pricing includes proper removal of leaves. Either putting them in the woods on property, curb for city pick-up, or hauling away if nedded
Cuyahoga Property Maintenance
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: Yes sometimes. Some property owners want you to just blow them into the woods. It varies on property and location.
Jc Lawn Care, LLC
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: We ask our customer's up front if they prefer the leaves to be bagged or would they prefer us to haul them away from the property and dispose of the leaf debris at the waste facilities we use. Most customer's all prefer them to be hauled away and are grateful we include this into the quote for them. It costs just a few dollars more to know there are no wet bags sitting around and the property is clean and clear of all the leaf clean up debris.
Paradise Property Services, LLC
Answer: Always
Explanation: This affords the best price to the customer
J&M Landscaping
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: This will vary with the company you have chosen.
TH Lawn and Maintenance Service
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: It really depends on the contractors method of removal. Sometimes they can be blown or spread out in the woods surrounding the property. The leaves can also be loaded into a truck and hauled away or bagged and left at the curb for city pickup.
Phocas Landscape
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: We do not bag. we simply use a large tarp to load our trailer and take it to the recycling center, where it is turned into mulch
Integra Holiday lighting and decor
Answer: Usually
Explanation: Depending on the size of the property and if the access points for our trailer is close or far away will depend on if there is an additionally fee
Demo King
Answer: Always
Explanation: The leaves are usually sucked up with a leaf vac and hauled away, which is included with the 'clean up' price.
S&M Landscaping
Answer: Usually
Explanation: We do not actually "bag" the leaves. Instead, we vacuum the leaves onto our truck. So, there is no "bagging" required.
Valleys And Peaks Landscaping, LLC
Answer: Usually
Explanation: Usually leaves are pkaced in a trailer as bulk and removed.
Larry Pierce Lawn/Landscaping
Answer: Usually
Explanation: We usually don't bag them but if we did it would be included
Roop's Lawn Services, LLC
Answer: Never
Explanation: Leaf removal does not include bagging. Blowing your leafs is the method of leaf removal we utilize.
Engines & More
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: Not neccesarily, it depends on the size of your yards. I have done jobs that required over 40 contractor bags full of leaves.
Three Men Lawn
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: If the customer requests the leaves to be bagged we will bag them for them. If this increaes time or labor we may charge extra for bagging the leaves.
Carolina Lawn Worx
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: It depends on the location. If in a rural area the leaves can die back and become organic matter. If in a urban area it is best to bag and dispose of.
Weed Abatement Services
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: Differs project to project.
Henningsen Property Maintenance LLC
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: Most companies own a dump truck and just fill it up and dump it on a landfill they may own or rent for the spring and fall season.
Mom's Cleaning LLC
Answer: Always
Explanation: We bag and remove them as part of leaf clean up fee
J's Complete Cleaning Services
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: Each job is done to how the client asks us to proceed. Usually we don't back and just haul away.
Backyard Boys Enterprise, LLC
Answer: Always
Explanation: I always bag leaves for EZ Disposal
Cincy Sealcoating Plus
Answer: Rarely
Explanation: Bagging adds a great deal of labor to a bid. I use a leaf vac that is pulled behind the mower. prices are considerably lower if there is a wooded area on the property where leaves can be dumpled. (after being 10:1 compressed.
Money$ Worth Lawn Maintenance
Answer: Rarely
Explanation: Mulching leaves is usually bid.
Mid-Cities Lawn Care
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: We often provide an optional additional charge for leaf bagging and removal for composting. Some customers have a composting area they would like their leaves put into, and others prefer them to be mulched back into their yards to turn into healthy topsoil, so we like to give options to our customers.
ARMowing Maintenance
Answer: Rarely
Explanation: Tarp or vacuum leaves
Affordable Lawn and Landscaping
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: Depending on what methods would be used bagging leafs may help keep haul away costs down by letting customers leave bags for city pick up.
Clean Up LLC - Landscaping & Lawn Care Service
Answer: Always
Explanation: We clean up and haul away all debris
Timberworx Tree and Landscaping
Answer: Always
Explanation: I always use tarps to pick up the leaves.
Salinas Lawn Services
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: It depends on the amount of leaves and if you pick them up by the bag or use tarps to remove them.
M&G Lawncare
Answer: Sometimes
Explanation: What ever means necessary to remove them from property
Markley mowing n more
Answer: Always
Explanation: We usually don't bag leaves - we take them out in bulk which is more environmentally friendly since plastic takes a very long time to decompose
Black Dirt Services LLC
Answer: Never
Explanation: Bagging can be time consuming over hauling away. This can extend more man hours and reduce profits.
MGP Smart Home Services
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