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Which type of leaf rake is the most durable?

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Question: Which type of leaf rake is the most durable?
Top Answer (61% of 339 votes): Metal.

Answer: Plastic
Explanation: We use plastic rakes due to constantly using them.
These 2 hands LLC
Answer: Metal
Explanation: For obvious reasons.
Achilles Landscaping
Answer: Metal
Explanation: Never had issues with metal rakes
Ysidro lawn care
Answer: Metal
Explanation: I've broken hundreds to know.
Mike's Mowing
Answer: Metal
Explanation: Metal rakes are less likely to break or be damaged
B&D Lawncare and landscaping
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: They all have their goods and bads
Franklin's Lawn Care
Answer: Plastic
Explanation: The type of equipment you are using really comes down to the job description as well as your personal preference
Gordon and Sons Services
Answer: Metal
Explanation: metal leaf rakes are easier to use ,and they provide the means necessary to perform the tasks needed.
CTB Landscaping
Answer: Metal
Explanation: Easy to use
Brent’s lawn maintenance
Answer: Metal
Explanation: Metal rake is strong and sturdy.
Rice City Lawns
Answer: Metal
Explanation: It is metal which is stronger than other materials such as wood or bamboo.
WB Lawn & Landscape
Answer: Metal
Explanation: I would have to go fashioned without me but it religious depends on what you're using it for you're using it to spray them all try to go plastic so just varies on what the job is
Thunder Struck Handyman LLC
Answer: Metal
Explanation: Plastic rakes are good they have a tendency to break but metal rakes last longer over time
Cuttin-up Lawn Care And Grounds Maintenance
Answer: Metal
Explanation: Meetal
Nature Guy Landscaping
Answer: Plastic
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Varies depending on what you are raking.
LKT TimeSavers
Answer: Bamboo
Explanation: Lasts the longest
TJB-INC Landscape & Drainage Contractor
Answer: Metal
Explanation: Metal is stronger and will out last the others. However, large plastic rakes are good for raking dry leaves.
GrassHoppers Lawn Enforcement LLC
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: We use mettle landscape rakes for fall clean up to push leaves that we blow. Most time we are using leaf blowers to move leaves.
B- Sharp Property Maintenance
Answer: Plastic
Explanation: Plastic is our preference arms are wider allows to grab more. Metal rakes bend more frequently
Westfall landscaping
Answer: Metal
Explanation: Metal is strong
All Year Property Care
Answer: Metal
Explanation: Tend to hold up longer
Advantage Lawn Care
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: It depends on the job that being performed.
Answer: Plastic
Explanation: 95% of all rakes are made of recycled plastic these days.
Lawn Ranger
Answer: Plastic
Explanation: We like plastic
Crestview Property Maintenance
Answer: Metal
Explanation: We only use metal rakes. All others break too quickly
Cuyahoga Property Maintenance
Answer: Metal
Explanation: I like the metal rake as it tends to hold up a lot longer than the others.
Jc Lawn Care, LLC
Answer: Metal
Explanation: Less bendable and collects for debris. Great for small sticks and rocks.
TH Lawn and Maintenance Service
Answer: Metal
Explanation: Metal rakes are more durable, we typically are raking leaves in colder weather and plastic becomes brittle.
Integra Holiday lighting and decor
Answer: Metal
Explanation: The prongs dont seem to cause as much damage to grass
Larry Pierce Lawn/Landscaping
Answer: Plastic
Explanation: I have always used plastic rakes and they seem to last me a long time!
Countywide Lawn Care LLC
Answer: Metal
Explanation: The best leaf rakes in my experience have a hardwood handle and a steel head with steel tines.
Carolina Lawn Worx
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Differs based on contractor preference. We use plastic.
Henningsen Property Maintenance LLC
Answer: Bamboo
Explanation: But everyone mainly uses plastic because it is cheaper. I like to use a leaf blower. Much cleaner look and less stress on grass. But rake is important in some cases.
Mom's Cleaning LLC
Answer: Plastic
Explanation: We have so many it is hard to say what's best.
J's Complete Cleaning Services
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: We've had the best luck with fiberglass.
Backyard Boys Enterprise, LLC
Answer: Metal
Explanation: As far as durability goes, metal is always going to be the best. When it comes to which one performs the best, our favorite is plastic.
Clearly Better Properties
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: No rake is perfect.
ARMowing Maintenance
Answer: Metal
Explanation: Wood and plastic rakes tend to break after a few times of use.
Timberworx Tree and Landscaping
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: We have found that the metal rake lasts longer than the others that we have tried. The plastic is the less durable and breaks for us more often.
M&G Lawncare
Answer: Metal
Explanation: Usually we use metal rakes to help get some thatch out but this question is more on the quality & how you take care & store the rake.
Black Dirt Services LLC
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: All rakes serves a different purpose and preferences can vary.
MGP Smart Home Services
Answer: Bamboo
Explanation: I profer the Bamboo Rake, it's more dependable for me
Answer: Metal
Explanation: I prefer a metal one
chesapeake bay landscaping
Answer: Metal
Explanation: Metal ones last longer
Newburgh Lawn & Landscape
Answer: Plastic
Explanation: To us plastic is the best. Depending on usage.
Mda multi service
Answer: Metal
Explanation: Ames's Jackson rake is sturdy, well-balanced, favored by professional landscapers, and good for years of use. It’s very well built, though it might be a little heavier than rakes made with bamboo.
Selena's Landscape, Design & Tree Service, LLC
Answer: Metal
Explanation: metal rake has more spring, but they all work well, this is a personal choice
Three Sisters Landscaping
Answer: Plastic
Explanation: Plastic is durable and flexible compared to metal where it easy bends.
Rick and Rondas Landscapes
Answer: Plastic
Explanation: I've never used a bamboo rake, I am partial to plastic rakes myself.
Foley Landscape Services
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Quality and use have a lot to do with the durability of a rake, and not material class alone.
Purtell Lawncare
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: they all break
vetorinos landscaping and irrigation,llc
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: We use both metal and plastic depending where it would be used
Curb Appeal Landscapes
Answer: Metal
Explanation: I use the Red Rhino ones from Home Depot.
First Class Lawn Care
Answer: Metal
Explanation: We tend to have better experience with metal rakes.
Outdoor Designs
Answer: Metal
Explanation: While metal rakes are the most durable the plastic rakes do the job better in my opinion. Though they do not last as long they seem to be more effective.
Your Home Helpers
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: depend on the rag then the news using it now much force they're putting on it
Webster's Lawn care
Answer: Bamboo
Explanation: I like the wooden rakes oppose to the fiberglass
AW Landscape Services
Answer: Plastic
Explanation: Its a preference all have their advantages and weak points
White Oak Landscaping & Lawn Care, inc
Answer: Metal
Explanation: 1 new rake every year compared to 3 or more plastic types.
Hunsicker Premier Home Services
Answer: Bamboo
Explanation: i have had the best luck with them
Keisler Contractors LLC
Answer: Plastic
Explanation: Hard plastic rakes seem to be very durable and light weight enough to use.
Lawn Frogs Landscaping
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Have had about as much luck with all..Normally lean to plastic..light..wider...easy on roots.
Associated Services
Answer: Plastic
Explanation: i like the plastic just watch when cold
h.c.lawn& fence
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Depends on job.
Culver Property Preservation
Answer: Plastic
Explanation: For the price our plastic rakes are the best. For our spring clean up we will be going to a leaf vacuum for a better pick up off all leaves.
C & R Mowing LLC
Answer: Metal
Explanation: Metal is stronger than plastic and bamboo therefore, it is more durable.
Green Shark Lawn Care
Answer: Metal
Explanation: Metal rakes have flexible tines that bend with contours. They're more durable when more pressure is required for best results. Bamboo is very strong, yet light weight. It can last a long time and is especially effective for dry leaves that haven't matted into turf. Plastic is the worst value.
Good Natured by Design
Answer: Metal
Explanation: they do not break easily under pressure
RLN Properties LLC
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